Saturday, January 23, 2010

The PIA project blog begins!

Mahalo for visiting the Pacific Islander Access (PIA) project's blog, and reading our inagural post. Alongside the "PIA project 101" information we've archived on this site and made available on our more traditionally formatted website (, this blog will go deeper into the issues surrounding the exclusion of Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders from academic programs for underrepresented minorities.

We plan to publish posts on a regular basis, providing a mix of:
  • Commentary on current events
  • Information on issues related to the underrepresentation of Pacific Islander Americans in higher education, and
  • Updates on the work of the PIA project and our allies to include Pacific Islanders in those programs

We have a lot of ideas to share, but we also want to hear yours. If you look over the info on our tumblr website and still have questions, or if you have an idea for a topic, please feel free to contact us.

The next post will focus on the twin-problems that the PIA project is out to solve - the underrepresentation of Pacific Islanders and their exclusion from higher education programs for underrepresented minorities.

Me ka ha'a ha'a,


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